Monday, January 03, 2011


Our "vacation friends" that is what we call them. We always vacation with the Williams. We LOVE them! We decided this year to mix it up and let the kids come.

The first day we went to Venice Beach to people watch. The kids begged to go to the Freak Show and we caved. We intended to spend a few hours there, but ended up spending most of the day walking up and down the board walk at Venice Beach.

The second day we went to Disneyland. We had such a great time. It is so magical at Christmastime.

cute Ava and Karinne

Presley loved Ava

It snowed (not really but it was still amazing).

The last day we hung out on the beach. It was 86 degrees and perfect. We spent most of the day at the beach and then headed to the pier for dinner.
We had such a great time and the kids couldn't get enough of each other!


Anonymous said...

It was so fun! My kids are still asking when the next time we are going to see you guys!! We love the Schroed's...

jamie @ [kreyv] said...

So much fun! I love the picture of you, Pres, and Snow White. So cute!

Janee said...

Now that's how to spend Christmas! At the beach!