Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I love that classic movies never go out of style (Goonies, ET, Grease, Star Wars ect.). These movies were favorites of mine when I was younger. I remember watching Goonies over and over and having the BIGGEST crush on Sean Astin. We take the boys to the library pretty regularly and let Gage pick out a show. I love that Gage loves all the same movies that we do. Of course now as a parent I have noticed the language and content are not all that appropriate for a 4 year old. We got proof of that the other day. When Adam took the boys camping we let Gage pick out a movie to watch, of course he chose Goonies. The next day we took the boys to lunch. Gage was finished eating and looked up at Adam and I and said, "Lets get the HELL out of here".
Lesson learned!


Rick and Kara said...

Ha ha ha! That's hysterical! I remember when McKay was 2 and hit his head on the table. "Damn it!" was his response. I am not a potty mouth, per se, but you only have to lose it once and they never forget!

Unknown said...

Love it!!!

Jill said...

Oh no! Seriously that is my biggest fear...that my kids will say something totally inappropriate at church or something. At least he said it in front of you!


I think it's rather funny when children swear in church! Does that make me a bad person? I also believe Sloth is actually alive today, huh Brit!!

Megan said...

I love your boys! In some areas of the world, "hell" is not considered a bad word. Just use that as your defense! I've got your back! Gotta love Goonies!

Sarah said...

We watched Goonies last summer when we were on the Oregon Coast (where it was filmed) I was SHOCKED! Being "the mom' gives a whole different perspective, huh? (Back to the Future is another shocker!)