Wow! We had a lot of changes in 2010. The biggest change was our move to Texas. We were so sad to leave, but have LOVED living here. The schools are great, the people are nice and you can't beat the weather.
Gage started 3rd grade this year and is our little smarty pants. He LOVES to read and once he starts a good book he can't put it down. He is obsessed with "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" and has read the series about a million times. He got baptized, wrestled, played soccer, swam, played flag football and started scouts this year.
Talon started all day kindergarten this year. He is doing really well and is becoming a great little reader. Talon learned to swim this year and loves swimming at all of his friends houses in the summer. Talon also is a great runner. He can run forever. When he gets a little older he is going to be my running buddy. Talon wrestled, played soccer, swam and did gymnastics.
Presley is our little diva. She is so much fun and really completes our little fam. She is all girl and loves me to do her hair, paint her finger and toenails, put on lip gloss and play in her little kitchen. She loves her daddy and can not get enough of him. Presley got potty trained this year, which is more an accomplishment for me than her!
Adam started a new job with Boston Scientific as a Territory Manager in the Endoscopy Division. He has learned so much and loves his job and the company. There is a ton of opportunity in his company and we are hoping to go foreign in the next few years. Adam is also the early morning (5:45am) seminary teacher. Adam really enjoys it...and well I am the sometimes-supportive-always-has-a-tired-husband wife.
I have been busy with the kids of course. I have also been busy trying to get my photography business up and going in a new state. I have met some great people while doing it. I still run a few days a week and love the weather at 5am in the morning in Texas. I just recently got called to the Young Women's and am super excited about that. I have met some great new friends and LOVE were we are living.
We have been so blessed in 2010. A lot of really good things have happened to our family this year. We are so excited for 2011 and what it has in store for us!
love you wish you were in michigan though...xoxo sara
Your kids are so cute :D
I'm glad you had such a great year! 2011 is going to be even better!
How did you bribe your kids to look so perfect in this pic??? Sounds like you adjusted to TX super fast and are lovin' it (even though we miss ya in michigan). totally impressed with your 5am running! happy new year!
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